Through A Glass Darkly is an expanded documentary series that explores how individuals experience and think about climate change in the 'post-truth' moment.

The project proposes that to experience the concept of climate change in the present moment is to face an endless stream of images and noise; news anchors and politicians chattering in polished studio sets, the espousal of disinformation by social media commentators asserting spurious authority, a relentless influx of online articles that provide explicitly contradictory interpretations of 'the science', and an ideologically variegated ecosystem of online comment sections that devolve regularly in to polarised argument.

Navigating this web of information and rhetoric in the 'post-truth' moment precipitates vastly different views on climate change, from outright denial to disassociation to activist action.

Through A Glass Darkly, currently in production in fulfilment of a PhD in Fine Arts (RMIT), uses multitude materials to attempt to unpack these circumstances. Original photographs will combine with data and media artwork, as well as archival and vernacular materials, within the final series. These will be presented both in photobook form and a major exhibition.

  contact [at] wattslaurence [dot] com